Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Don't Shop 'til You Drop on the Friday After Thanksgiving!

Save your credit! Don't get caught up in the commercialism of Christmas shopping.

First, why do you need credit cards? If your answer was to charge luxuries that you can't afford to pay cash for-- that's the wrong answer! You should never charge luxuries unless you can pay them off at the end of the month. Charging items you can't afford make it hard to sleep at night.

If you answered to by food and gasoline--that's also the wrong answer! If you need to charge consumables, you're paying too much for items that no longer benefit you.

The are only TWO reasons you need credit cards.

1. Emergencies
2. To make money

What's that? Make money with credit?

Yes! Strong credit allows you to use other people's money to buy real estate.

Build up your credit scores and your other mortgage requirements so you can buy houses.

Stay home the Friday after Thanksgiving. You'll miss all the frantic crowds, traffic, and you'll save your credit.

Free Credit Help Teleclass
Saturday, Nov. 26 10:00 AM
By invitation and for "Credit Help! Get the Credit You Need to Buy Real Estate" book buyers.

Note: the book is going on special promotion with bonuses later this week because the publisher is changing the sub-title. Limited quantities available with the old title. Credit Help on Amazon.

Look for the website changes for the promotion this week. Send me your receipt if you purchase from Amazon to get the bonuses.

Copyright Jeanette J. Fisher


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